What is the difference between Moshi and Gson?

When it comes to JSON parsing on Android, will you choose Gson or Moshi or kotlinx.serialization?

Moshi, Gson and kotlinx.serialization are great choices. However, they each have their own strengths and may be better suited for different use cases.


? Moshi is a more modern and lightweight library, with built-in support for Kotlin and performance optimizations.
? It also provides a stricter parsing mode and support for custom serialization and deserialization logic.


? Gson is a well-established and feature-rich library, with extensive documentation and community support.
? It also provides a wide range of features for customizing JSON serialization and deserialization and generates Java classes from a JSON schema.


? Another option for JSON parsing on Android specifically for Kotlin is kotlinx.Serialization.
? It is a powerful serialization library for Kotlin that provides a simple and efficient way of parsing and serializing JSON data.
?It provides a convenient and easy-to-use API for working with JSON data in Kotlin and supports a wide range of use cases, including working with complex data models, custom serialization and deserialization logic, and more.

Ultimately, the choice between Moshi, Gson and kotlinx.serialization will depend on your specific needs and requirements for your Android app.

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