Jetpack Compose Masterclass

Jetpack Compose Masterclass

Are you a student looking to start your journey in Android development? Or an experienced developer looking to advance your career? If so, this 2-week live course on Jetpack Compose is perfect for you!

In this course, you’ll learn how to create beautiful, responsive, and intuitive UI using Jetpack Compose for your Android apps. You’ll also learn how to build a real-world project – an Instagram-like application.

This course is finished and we no longer accept registration for it.


Course details

Start date

16th January, 2023 – 27 January, 2023)


2 weeks


9:00 – 11:00 PM IST (Monday-Friday)

Total content

20+ hours



Delivery mode

Virtual (Online)






₹499 ($10 USD)


In-depth HD videos
Project based learning
Access to premium community
Access to course recording

What you’ll learn

  • Creating projects with Compose
  • Build basic layouts
  • State
  • Side effect
  • State Hoisting
  • Master lazy layouts
  • Theming and animation
  • Navigation in compose app
  • Dependency injection with Hilt
  • Pagination
  • Building Instagram like app
  • Publishing app to the Google Play Store

Course content

Jetpack Compose starter
  • What is Jetpack Compose and why do we need it
  • Create your first project with Compose
  • Build basic layouts
  • What is State in Compose
  • What is Re-composition
Build advance layouts with Compose
  • What is Side effect
  • State hoisting
  • Build advance layouts
  • Master lazy layouts (LazyRow, LazyColumn, LazyGrid)
Theming and animation
  • Use Material design 3 to theme your composable
  • Add beautiful animations to your code
Build real world project
  • Build Instagram-like app in Jetpack Compose
  • Navigation in compose app
  • Dependency injection with Hilt
  • Performance improvement of composable
  • Use pagination to load data in chunks
  • Publish app to the Google Play Store


Rajesh Hadiya

Namaste, developers 🙏 With 6+ years of experience in Android and backend development, I’ve trained 1000+ developers ranging from students to 10+ YoE developers.

I’ve also built some pretty cool stuff over the years, including

  • Flower, a popular library that allows developers to build offline-first apps effortlessly and simplifies networking and database caching on Android/Multiplatform.
  • MyStore, a platform that enables users to buy/sell digital content like photos, videos, and images and earn money.
  • Younique, a social media platform that allowed users to create time-bound posts that automatically disappeared after a chosen time.

Together, we’ll learn how to build apps that look and work great. So, grab your laptop and let’s get started on this fun and exciting journey of building Android apps!


What Our Learners Are Saying

Hear directly from those who have transformed their careers with us

The way of teaching is too good. Delivery of contents is always relevant and connects to real implementation. Easily delivered even the difficult topic.

Sanjay Kumar

Experienced developer

As a beginner this was very good coursework for me. Topics were clearly explained and real-time examples. The sample and demos were very helpful.

Nayana Bhoj

Experienced developer

Your way of explanation I liked most. I am also grateful for all the special tips that you have shared apart from the scope of this course.

Sitam Sardar

Experienced developer


Does this course have any prerequisites?

You should be familiar with the basics of Android development. Aside from that, you’ll learn everything from the basics to advanced techniques in the course.

Who can register for this course?

You can take this course whether you are a student just starting out in Android development or an experienced developer looking to improve your Android skills.

Will there be a Q&A section?

Yes, there will be a 15-minute Q&A session after each class. You can also ask your questions in our exclusive group and get answers.

What if I miss any session?

All sessions will be recorded so you can access them later.

Will I receive a course completion certificate?

Yes, you will receive a certificate of completion once you successfully complete the course.

Register now

Oops!! This course is finished and we no longer accept registration for it.
Please checkout our Android course instead.